Exchange and return

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel an order early. This is because we process all orders immediately so that we can keep the delivery process as short as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Are you not satisfied with your order? We think that's a shame and we would like to hear what we can do to satisfy you.

You can return your order up to 30 days after receipt. We ensure that the purchase amount is on your account within 15 working days after receipt of the return.

Easy return in 3 steps

Step 1: Contact us here . We will personally help you to return the order by e-mail.

Step 2: Send your order.

Send the items together with the return form to the address mentioned. Make sure you provide your package with a track and trace code. As sender you are responsible, we want to avoid misunderstandings.

Step 3: Receive the purchase amount back to your account